The In’s and Out’s of Ballet Pilates

Pilates is a lifestyle changing event.  A typical gym workout centers on strength and cardio training to build stamina and strength.  Pilates focuses on body weight training and micro-movements so specific muscle groups move fluidly at a controlled pace.  The disciplined pace of Pilates builds muscle and burns fat.  Ballet Pilates, also known as barre fitness, is an excellent introduction to Pilates to improve stability by building a stronger core. 



The poses in Ballet Pilates are influenced by ballet conditioning and dance movements.  Isometric contractions, such as Plank or single leg balances, improve balance, proprioception, coordination, and the mind-body connection.  Proprioception is where the body is in space.  Connecting awareness to proprioception enhances the mind-body connection to improve self-control to build the core and enable strengthening of extremities.  Ballet Pilates is beneficial for every age and every skill level. 


The goal is to discover a quality of elegance in posture and grace in movement.  Ballet Pilates takes ballet-inspired moves, like plies and attitudes, to enhance Pilates principles.  Pilates principles include the use of breath, correct placement of the spine, neutral pelvic placement, core building, balance improvement, and constant awareness.  These principles are blended with Ballet to maintain posture, joint stability, and enduring balance.


High repetition exercises build body memory.  The muscles that hold muscles in the legs, abdominals, glutes, and arms benefit from the isometric tension for extended periods of time.  As skill develops, this can be ramped up to enhanced cardio training.


Ballet Pilates classes are fun.  There is a sense of camaraderie whether you are an experienced dancer or a beginner.  Camaraderie, a feeling of togetherness, improves motivation to attend class and feelings of success at class.  The spirit of good fellowship pervades the Ballet Pilates class and leaves participants with a joyful feeling throughout their day.

Muscle memory needs to be built up in class.  Trembling legs are a sign of muscle fatigue from disuse not weakness.  Holding the barre improves the feelings of confidence as you build your muscle strength.  A protein rich breakfast will decrease the leg trembling by fueling the muscles with required glycogen.  Ballet Pilates are tough on muscles but easy on joints, tendons, ligaments, and spine.  Ultimately, this prevents injury and promotes a graceful posture. 


Diversity is a huge benefit of Ballet Pilates classes.  No two classes are identical.  Variety improves mindfulness keeping your consciousness in the moment.  Variety also stops overdevelopment of one muscle group over another.  Classes include standing work, balance, plies, and lunges which coordinate with graceful, strong-arm moves. You may use dumbbells, elastics, weighted balls or just the barre. Diversity promotes harmony in the body through balanced workouts that are wholistic. 



A barre is a stationary handrail that provides support for people during various types of exercise.  It can be free-standing or attached to a wall.  In a pinch, use the back of a dining room chair.  The benefits of training with a barre are the enhanced posture from focusing on core strength, optimal alignment of joints, and improved balance.  


Ballet Pilates can be practiced along side yoga.  Movements include spinal articulation, forward flexion, rotational movements, and hyperextension.  The correct use of external rotation, turn-out, to facilitate movement from the hips to the legs to the feet.  Inner thigh work is emphasized throughout class. 


Ballet Pilates use of the barre as a stabilizing tool improves core stability and muscle strength.  The barre allows for isolation of the abdominals, hip, pelvic, back, and gluteal muscles.  Alternating balance from one leg to the other refines harmony in the body.   Practice improves movement with mindfulness and confidence.   


Ballet Pilates is low-impact, high intensity movements using the body weight training and micromovements to build a balanced core and a strong mind-body connection within yourself. 

Looking for a Great Ballet Pilates Studio in the Upper East Side Area?

At ChaiseFitness, we believe that anyone can be fit—no matter what skill level or body type. This belief inspired the creation of our patented Reinvention Method, which is for everyone—the athlete, the dancer, the beginner, the advanced, the rebuilder. We blend Pilates, ballet, and strength training and equip you with a chair and overhead bungees so that you work out all your muscles every time. We are located in the Upper East Side in Manhattan. For more information, you can contact us at (973)996-2063, or visit our website.

NYC Pilates Studio


Pilates Breathing


Chaise Fitness Private Sessions Reinvention Method Using Equipment