Pilates for Muscle Building
Pilates has muscle benefits. The American College of Sports Medicine has shown how Pilates improves muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. Pilates also improves balance, coordination, and posture while reducing the risk of muscle injuries.
Pilates for Muscle Building:
Pilates is a form of exercise that uses body weight, which means that you cannot expect to put on muscle mass like The Rock or Rocky. You would need to lift a lot of heavyweights for that kind of body building.
However, Pilates sessions are no joke! Whether you choose Reformer or Mat Pilates, you will experience weight resistance training. Meaning that you will be using your muscles. When you create consistent practice, you will build strength and muscle mass. Repetition is more important than heavy weights.
Muscle groups are referred to as the powerhouse muscles within the Pilates world. You’ll notice they are within the center of your body; this is where Pilates’ movements begin. Pilates is truly a full body workout.
Which muscle groups are targeted through Pilates?
Pilates targets a range of muscles and provides a truly full body workout. Some of the specific muscles Pilates is proven to affect include:
Core muscles
Oh yes, as you practice Pilates get ready for a strong core! Really, each and every movement engages the core. But the core goes so much deeper than just your 6 pack. Pilates movements prompt your body to engage your deep intrinsic muscles, such as multifidi and the transverse abdominis, which are the muscles that are used to stabilize your body. These muscles have the function of stabilizing your spine, pelvis, and core muscles.
Booty/gluteus muscles
Pilates will target the area responsible for giving you round, lifted buttocks. Pilates is an excellent option for toning the backside of your legs and tightening and lifting the glute muscles, which will give your booty a rounded and lifted appearance. Once again there are a lot of variables, like genes.
Inner thighs
Finding a workout that will target and burn your inner thighs can be pretty tricky, but Pilates has this issue solved. Many Pilates sessions target your adductor muscles effectively.
Internal obliques
Your body has two different sets of oblique muscles, internal and external obliques. Doing Pilates exercises such as bicycle crunches will engage your external obliques, and then static side planks will engage your internal obliques. Both exercises contribute to working your midsection, creating stability and strength.
How much muscle mass can I expect to gain?
Pilates is a physical activity geared more towards conditioning muscles and improving core strength and less towards increasing muscle mass. This means that following a general Pilates routine will tone your muscles without increasing bulk. You’ll experience increased core strength, improved posture, increased flexibility and more!
If you’re looking to create larger muscles, we’d recommend also including regular weight sessions along with regular Pilates sessions. If you’re a member of a gym, you’ll more than likely find a Pilates class on the regular group class schedule. If the time does not work, or if you’re not that keen to join in on the group class, sign up for an online Pilates class!
ChaiseFitness Offers Private Pilates Sessions in Manhattan
At ChaiseFitness, we believe that anyone can be fit—no matter what skill level or body type. This belief inspired the creation of our patented Reinvention Method, which is for everyone—the athlete, the dancer, the beginner, the advanced, the rebuilder. We blend Pilates, ballet, and strength training and equip you with a chair and overhead bungees so that you work out all your muscles every time. We are located in the Upper East Side in Manhattan. For more information, you can contact us at (973)996-2063, or visit our website.